One of the images I posted last week was from Eyjafjallajökul, shot during the Iceland PODAS. Here is a video by Sean Stiegemeier from the eruption in 2010. You may find Seans comments on the making of the video on Vimeo.
Friday musings
As I have mentioned earlier, in this day and age old techniques like wet plate photography seems exotic and alluring. Perhaps it is the flaws, or uncertainty of the process, which lends the images a quality closer to a work of art than a photograph. Here is another example I found on Vimeo. Long exposure are required, so note the supports which are meant to help the model keep still and in position.
"Midnight Sun | Iceland"
Since it has been a week of PODAS Iceland posts, I thought I'd round of the week with a video I found on Vimeo, "Midnight Sun | Iceland" ( Hope you like it.
Bruce Davidson
I came across this interview with Bruce Davidson on Vimeo. You may find his portfolio on Magnums site, and I recommend a visit to the site.
“Renowned photojournalist and Magnum photographer Bruce Davidson has been acclaimed for over half a century for his searing images of street gangs, circus performers and the civil rights struggles of the 1960s, all captured with a remarkable directness, truth and power that transcends the concept of style. Here, in his own words, are Bruce Davidson’s forthcoming, charming, and revealing insights into who he is, what he’s done, and where he’s going.”
"The camera becomes an extention of your eyes"
In the series "Why design" I came across this video with Don Chadwick, and I think he has some interesting views on photography and the process of making images.
I really like animated movies, and here is a fun little gem I came across on Vimeo. I am not too familiar with all of Hitchcock’s films, but I am sure there are references to a lot of his films here.
"Speak with authority"
A nice example of how to use typography to underline the message.
Silver and light
In the age of digital photography old techniques like wet plate photography seems somewhat exotic and archaic. I guess wet plate photography is challenging even with moderate sized plates, not to mention the large plates Ian Ruhter is working with. You will find more examples of his work on the website
Water Light Graffiti
Water and electronics does not strike me as a perfect combination, but the artist Antoin Fourneau and Digitalarti Artlab has made a LED panel where the LEDs light up when water is sprayed on the panel. Read more about it at the thecreatorsproject blog in their blog entry "Water Light Graffiti Lets Users Create LED Art With A Water Gun" (The video is posted on Vimeo by Digitalarti.)
Like a faded summer memory
There is just something about this video, "Honey Harvest" by Kinfolk, posted on Vimeo. I really like the way they have used the low contrast imagery to give the shadow areas a slightly washed out quality - like a faded summer memory.
Sounds of summer
Spending the summer at the coast is always refreshing. Here is my little attempt at a soundscape, a little scene from the waterfront - a teleport back to summer, sunshine and lazy days ...
This soundscape is put together of a number of short pieces of sound I recorded at the waterfront - seagulls, waves washing on the rocks and so forth. The bumblebee I got on tape purely by chance a few days later - it flew by my microphone and decided to take a closer look; the challenge was to isolate it from the lawnmower in the background.